Wardrobe Review

The Wardrobe Review service is for the mum who wants to dress like her best self, whilst honouring the fact that she is indeed, a mother. She wants to feel confident in her everyday outfits without starting from scratch by reviewing and making the most of what she has and adding key items that elevate every look. 

We’ll work together to analyse your current lifestyle, clothing needs and wardrobe gaps in a virtual call. You’ll have space to talk about what you want from your dream wardrobe, your challenges and what you want to prioritise. We’ll also review a select number of items from your current wardrobe, including trying on pieces. 

I guide you through my self-built process of ‘Wardrobe Review’ so we can achieve a transformative outcome. I’ll sum up my analysis in a pdf guide that will be delivered to you within 2 weeks of the call. The guide also includes a section on product recommendations so you can start adding the missing pieces straight away!

You feel...

Every time you go to put an outfit together, nothing seems to work with each other, leaving you frustrated 😫. Those trousers won't go with that top. That dress won't work with the shoes you've got and what coat would you wear with it? It's always a challenge and takes up brain power you don't have because your little one is colouring on the walls and you can only deal with one thing at a time.

Ever since becoming a mother, your body has changed and things that you loved in the past no longer look right, leaving you feeling insecure, uncertain and hopeless so you just don't bother to dress up anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️.

Every time you look in the mirror, you find yourself picking apart your outfit, wondering whats wrong, whether it's your make up, your outfit or your body 🙁. Or maybe it's just that you don't know the key pieces that are missing to make that outfit look 10/10.

You've been holding onto things that no longer fit or work for your lifestyle like those jeans 👖 you thought you'd grow old in but can no longer button up. You're willing to give them up but you don't know what to replace them with and what to buy without wasting tons of time and money.

You want...

To make the most of the clothes you already have. You want to combine them into different outfits that look fresh and original and don't feel boring even when you're wearing them on repeat 🔁.

You want to add new items to your wardrobe that will work for you and your body shape and lifestyle that also complement what you have, building up to your dream wardrobe without the overwhelm and oddles of £££ 💸needed to start from scratch.

A professional expert eye to review and analyse your wardrobe so everything works together seamlessly saving you time & energy that you can use for yourself - going to the gym, starting a new passion project or just chilling on the sofa, guilt free. It gets to be EASY 😌.

To feel so easy but confident 💣 in what you're wearing because it is perfectly suited to the things you do in your everyday life - think not wearing influencer inspired smart wide leg trousers that are dragging on the ground while you're running after your kid. Trust me those only look good if you're posing for photos.

x1 Virtual call

*max 2 hrs

Personalised Style Guide

Detailed analysis & commentary on your wardrobe and product recommendations!

£275 pay in full

*pay in full BONUS available

Payment plan options

as low as £46 per month

Ready to dive in?

Client Reviews

What my clients loved about the Wardrobe Review service…

Client review
"This investment is the achievement of a physical/spiritual and even emotional transformation so it means so much to me. Thanks again for being part of the journey."
Wardrobe Review Client.